
Геоморфология и палеогеография

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Об одной закономерности развития морфоструктур горной Средней Азии


An alternation was established of stages of differentiated tectonic activity of small individual morphostructures and stages of prevailing development of main morphostructures (such as largest ranges, mountain systems, intermountain depressions) since Late Paleozoic up till now. The process controls the development of mountain morphostructures of Central Asia. The existing scheme of mountains formation during Oligocene-Miocene and their successive growth and enlargement is but a particular regularity within more general process and characterizes -only the time interval from Middle Pleistocene to the present day. These are facts which confirm the statement and indicate the independent uplift of low foreranges during Neogene comparable in dimensions with that of main ridges. Some special features of morphostructural development of low foreranges during Neogene are described.

Об авторе

Г. Н. Пшенин
Институт географии АН СССР


Для цитирования:

Пшенин Г.Н. Об одной закономерности развития морфоструктур горной Средней Азии. Геоморфология. 1977;(3):85-92.

For citation:

Pshenin G.N. On a regularity of morphostructures development at the mountain Central Asia. Geomorfologiya. 1977;(3):85-92. (In Russ.)

Просмотров: 33

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ISSN 2949-1789 (Print)
ISSN 2949-1797 (Online)