
Геоморфология и палеогеография

Расширенный поиск

О подобии морфоструктур в областях сочленения Аравийской и Индостанской платформ с континентом Евразии


The present-day morphostructural plan of Alpine-.Himalayan zone at the juncture of Arabian and Hindustan platform with Eurasian continent formed in Late Cenosoic. Similarity of the main features of morphostructural plan of this region is revealed in the Arabian and Hindustan segments: similarity in the pattern of linear and isometric uplifted and lowered morphostructures. It may be suggested that dynamics conditions at the areas of juncture were generally the same in both areas of juncture. The cause of such similarity is probably associated with the same type of Arabian and Hindustan platforms movements during the final stages of the Cenosoic. Difference in the rates of movement predetermined a peculiar «smallness» of morphostructures of the Arabian segment if compared with the Hindustan one. A certain similarity is revealed of morphostructural plan of a suture zone of intercontinental and continental-ocean types not only in the regions of morphostructural nodes, but also in adjacent regions.

Об авторе

И. Г. Авенариус
Институт океанологии АН СССР


Для цитирования:

Авенариус И.Г. О подобии морфоструктур в областях сочленения Аравийской и Индостанской платформ с континентом Евразии. Геоморфология. 1978;(2):44-47.

For citation:

Avenarius I.G. On the similarity of morphostructures at the juncture of Arabian and Hindustan platforms with the Eurasian continent. Geomorfologiya. 1978;(2):44-47. (In Russ.)

Просмотров: 29

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ISSN 2949-1789 (Print)
ISSN 2949-1797 (Online)