
Геоморфология и палеогеография

Расширенный поиск

Значение исследований молассовых разрезов для палеогеоморфологического анализа орошенных систем (Тянь-Шань и Памиро-Алай)


Characteristic horizons designated by the author as «finplain horizons» have been described for the first time within the upper part of coarse molasse of Soviet Central Asia (Late Precambrian to Late Cenozoic in age); the horizons are characteristically different from the main part of the section both in thickness and lithology, and correspond to the stage of dynamic equilibrium which terminates (locally or in general) a phase of re-activation of the mountain topography development. Identification of the finplain horizons (and of other genetically similar formations within continental series) enlarges considerably both methodical and factological basis for paleogeomorphological analysis of orogens and on the other hand facilitates solving one of most complicated stratigraphic problems, that is unbiased stratification of coarse barren continental series.

Об авторе

Г. Н. Пшенин
Институт географии АН СССР


Для цитирования:

Пшенин Г.Н. Значение исследований молассовых разрезов для палеогеоморфологического анализа орошенных систем (Тянь-Шань и Памиро-Алай). Геоморфология. 1991;(4):36-50.

For citation:

Pshenin G.N. Studies of the molasses sections (Tier-Shan and Pamir-Alai): significance for the geomorphological analysis of orogens. Geomorfologiya. 1991;(4):36-50.

Просмотров: 33

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ISSN 2949-1789 (Print)
ISSN 2949-1797 (Online)