
Геоморфология и палеогеография

Расширенный поиск
№ 2 (1979)
3-12 32

По геолого-геофизическим признакам выделено три основных типа гор: вулканические, вулкано-тектонические и тектонические. Дана характеристика каждого типа и рассмотрены особенности распределения по основным океаническим структурам.

13-21 23

Выделяются два типа материковой окраины: наложенные на области новейшего воздыхания и прогибания. Они отличаются характером сочленения осадочных образований тектонических элементов обрамления глубоководной котловины с ее молодым осадочным выполнением, а также рядом морфологических характеристик (величина заложения континентального склона, профиль подводных каньонов, характер распределения их верховьев и др.) и распределением структурно-генетических типов современных осадков. Дается краткое морфологическое описание участков шельфа и континентального склона обоих типов материковой окраины.

22-27 30

Выделяются голый, задернованный, покрытый, погребенный и бронированный карст, указывается на наличие переходных типов. Рассмотрены морфологические и генетические особенности каждого из типов карета и некоторые вопросы терминологии.

3-12 30

Охарактеризованы основные экзогенные процессы, протекающие в условиях холодной полярной пустыни в оазисах Антарктиды. Оценены скорость отдельных процессов и скорость общей денудации в оазисе в сравнении с горными районами иного климата.

Геоморфология и народное хозяйство 

28-37 26

Размещение на Украинском щите позднемезозойской коры выветривания и связанных с ней полезных ископаемых контролировалось геолого-тектоническими и геоморфологическими факторами. Гипсометрическое положение и формы рельефа оказали существенное влияние на формирование коры, ее профиля, интенсивность гипергенных процессов, степень размыва, сохранение рудоносных залежей и др. Охарактеризованы четыре основные морф структурные области щита, их геоморфологические особенности и зависимость от этих особенностей размещения рудоносных залежей коры выветривания.


38-46 26

Доказывается необходимость и обосновывается возможность учета изменений уровня Мирового океана при составлении геотектонических карт. Рассматривается предлагаемый в связи с этим вариант вычисления поправки. На примере Сибирской платформы показано, что введение значений изменения уровня океана в расчеты суммарных амплитуд новейших движений вносит существенные коррективы в региональные неотектонические и геоморфологические представления, затрагивающие вопросы теоретического и прикладного характера.

Научные сообщения 

47-56 35

Hydrogeological conditions at the West Syria area are controlled by morphostructures. The morphostructural evolution was inherited from the end of Miocene, since most part of the area came into continental stage and the mountain frame was formed. During Pleistocene the mountains were eroded which resulted in the planation of the relief. Differentiated tectonic movements took place again along the inherited faults, as well as volcanism. Most contrasting topography was formed at the Arabian rift zone in the end of Pleistocene, Comparison of the present hypsometric position of the Upper Pliocene planation surface and remnants of Miocene topography in the mountains reveals the contrasting tectonic movements amplitude being about 11500-2000 meters within Antilebanon-Palmiric avlakogene, up to 3000 meters within the rift zone and about 200-400 meters at the Aleppo uplift.

57-69 35

Baer's mounds or ridges occur at the south of Caspian Lowland, forming areas of various size and configuration, the mounds' long axes are orientated east-west, the height is 2 to 45 meters, the width is 100 to 600 meters, the length is 0,5 to 8 km. They are known for more than 200 years, but their structure and genesis are still arguable points. A general geological section of a mound showing its rather complicate structure has been drawn on the basis of literature data. The mounds structure gives evidence on the beginning of their formation at inter-Khvalynian regression by eolian re-working thin cover of Lower Khvalynian sands (Q31) and of underlying chocolate-brown clays (also dated from Lower Khvalyn). During Late Khvalynian transgression the initial mounds were partly eroded, partly covered with Late Khvalynian sands. During the Post-Khvalynian regression the eolian processes resumed their activity at the North Caspian region and «completed» the Baer's mounds by deposition of the Upper Khvalynian deluvial-marine sediments at their non-eroded parts.

69-74 43

Within some depressions in the Eastern Pamir and Gorny Altai Mountains at 1200-3800 meters a.s.l. for the first time ground moraines have been found (mostly of Middle Pleistocene) characterized with peculiar small-ridge topography. They are similar to ribbed and cellular moraines which belong (according to Yu. A. Lavrushin's classification) to scaly ground moraines faces formed under conditions of ice shift along internal shear planes, Study of the moraines at the ancient mountain glaciation areas is important for glacial deposits identification and reconstruction of paleo-glaciations.

75-80 32

Geomorphic map importance during geocryological mapping depends on significance of relief and solid rocks in the heat exchange process at the Earth's surface. Therefore the special geomorphic maps must show hypsometry, morphology, relief's genesis and relief-forming processes and phenomena. At mountains the most important are morphostructures (blocks and arch-blocks), at plains-accumulative surf aces, as well as genesis, age and structure of loose Cenozoic deposits. Geocryological characteristics of the identified types of topographic elements are given on the basis of cryological conditions formation studies within each geomorphic element during the geocryological survey.

81-89 31

Many new facts have been lately received on the structure and evolution of shelf topography at the Bulgarian part of the Black Sea during Pleistocene and Holocene. Three main stages in the shell evolution and sedimentation have been distinguished: Early Pleistocene (Chauda), Late Pleistocene (New Euxine) and Holocene. Built-up ridges at the peripheral part of the shelf have been found for the first time, which fix the position of ancient (Late Chauda) coast line at the depth about 120 meters. The old topographic elements were inherited and manifested in the Holocene relief evolution and present-day sea floor topography.

89-92 26

Ring morphostructures are identified on the basis of structural-geomorphological analysis, drainage pattern, configuration of mountain slopes, crests and masses being taken into consideration and compared with geological data. Some of the ring structures types appeared due to granitic intrusive masses.

93-100 31

Many deep regional faults at the East of the Caspian Basin (suggested by geophysical evidences) can be traced in the relief by some structural morphological features. It has been used for identification of new faults. The analysis of their neotectonic activity reveals that 80% of meridional faults and only 40% of latitudinal faults are active; the suggested explanation is primary significance of trans-meridional wave movements. The information on the neotectonic activity of the deep faults is important for oil and gas searches.

100-104 27

On the basis of aerial photographs interpretation a certain «grid pattern» was established in structure and position of landscape elements of North-West Caspian region. A connection has been traced between the grid pattern on one hand and regional tectonic stresses and neotectonic active locations on another. Thus the analysis of the grid pattern can be used as a technique of searches of local active structures at not enough studied areas.


105-107 22

Размышления над существом главных геоморфологических проблем: о книге Н. А. Флоренсова «Очерки структурной геоморфологии» (М., «Наука», 1978).


108-110 28

Анализ климатического и антропогенного факторов рельефообразования (ХV пленум Геоморфологической комиссии АН СССР)

111-112 22

Научная конференция по морским берегам

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ISSN 2949-1789 (Print)
ISSN 2949-1797 (Online)